Starting School

Weekly Greetings!

Vacation has come to an end, and our first week has arrived! This first week back will be about restoring our classroom community, valuing each other's strengths, and setting goals. I will also be doing a lot of assessing to see what the students have retained over the summer, so we can ease into the rigor of the fourth grade standards. In addition, it will give new students a chance to adjust to our classroom routines. On Tuesday, Jane Teague will be in to discuss digital citizenship since the students will be using computers to access adopted district curriculum.
Beginning on Wednesday, we will also be reviewing "Six Keys" for fostering and maintaining high motivation and achievement. Everyone has a need to see these keys met, and we will address one a day. The keys are:
  • Safety from fear of embarrassment or physical harm.
  • Love and Belonging through inclusion, respect, and sincere caring.
  • Freedom and Independence through the option to make meaningful decisions and choices.
  • Fun and Enjoyment through meaningful engagement that provides gratification while learning.
  • Valued Purpose through knowing that what is being learned is purposeful to the learner.
  • Success through the recognition of accomplishments and growth in creativity, competence, skills, and knowledge. 
Each day we will discuss what that key looks like in our classroom community, and the students will make a book page for a Six Keys book to keep in class.  The unit will be finished next week.

I hope you have seen the notice for the Open House on Thursday from 4pm-6pm. It will be a great time to visit and go over classroom expectations. Please take a few minutes to look over the chart showing the effects of absences and tardies on student achievement.
 With the parent letter going home this week, there will be a book order form. If you would like to order any books for your child, I will need the order returned by Friday, September 6. The easiest and fasted way for me to order is for you to give me a check or cash, and then I can place the order on my credit card. Let me know if you have any questions.

I hope to see you Thursday! Have a great week!

Julie Brown


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