Week 9

Weekly Greetings!

Wow! Winter is here in full force! Now that so much snow has arrived, the students will need all their winter gear for recess. If they are not fully dresses, it is my understanding that they will have to sit at the office until recess is over. Also, they will have to have all their gear to ride the bus.

This will be the last week of the first quarter. We will be finishing another chapter in math, and the students will have a chapter test on Wednesday. Then we will be moving into multiplication and division. On Tuesday, we are scheduled for our monthly visit to the Makerspace STEAM room, and we will start to make decorations for the Haunted House during the Tok Street Trick-or -Treat event on Halloween.  We will be teaming with the third grade for a class fundraiser. If you have any ideas, or want to help out, please contact me.

Last week, we had a couple of special activities. The first was on Tuesday when the students were challenged with a Place Value breakout in Math. In groups, they had 45 minutes to figure out codes around math clues, before they could open a locked box. They all did it with 5 minutes to spare.
Then on Wednesday, we had our first "Book Buddies" visit to the kindergarten class. Ms. Deb helped her class pick their 4th grade buddy, and then we all listened to a Halloween story.
Next, we went to the library where the younger students picked books for their older buddy to read. It was really sweet to see the interactions between the 4th graders and their buddies.
We headed back to the kindergarten room to do a word family project, and eat a tasty snack. I was so proud of all of the 4th grade students. They were so patient and helpful to the younger ones.
Have a great week!


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