
Showing posts from November, 2019

Week 15

Weekly Greetings! The week before we had the Thanksgiving break started off with a visit from the school councilor. Mr. Dunning gave the students strategies using an "I message" to let other students know how they feel if their feelings have been hurt.  The class listened and discussed ways to use the social skill, and then each student practiced using the strategy. Tuesday was our monthly visit to the Makerspace room to explore and create using all the wonderful supplies provided there. It is really fun to watch the students interact and use their imaginations during our time in the room. Returning from the Thanksgiving break leaves just three weeks before the end of the semester and Christmas break. The class will be working on songs to sing during the Christmas program December 12, and completing a biography project in reading. Have a terrific week!

Week 14

Weekly Greetings! It was pretty amazing how much we did in just four days last week. Before I share about all that, let me remind you that we have a full five days this week. Then the following week before Thanksgiving, the students will have a week off. Also I was able to mention to some of you at Parent/Teacher conference, but I will share again that the class could use some snacks donated as the school only provides snacks now two times a week. Now for a recap of some highlights from last week. The bleachers were packed for the Veterans Day ceremony at the school Monday morning. Tok Boy Scouts presented the colors and we all said the pledge of allegiance. The Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades sang Yankee Doodle before the poem  "In Flanders Filed" was read. The guest speaker was very inspiring and focused on the saying "Some gave all, and all gave some". That really stuck with the 4th grade when we discussed it later. After the role call to recognize...

Week 13

Weekly Greetings! I would like to start with the important news for the week. First, I hope the information got home about the school wide food drive taking place through November 22. If you have any non-perishable food items you could spare, please send them in with your child to school. Next, the Book Fair will start on Thursday through November 23rd. Here are the times that you can go to purchase books: School days: 8:00-8:30am and 3:30-5:30pm Friday Nov. 15th: 12-6pm Saturday Nov. 23rd: 10-2pm at the Bazaar at Tok School Lastly, I hope the note with your scheduled Parent/Teacher conference time got home to you last Monday. If not, feel free to contact me for your time. Also remember that there will not be any school on Friday due to the conferences. As for last week, we started a novel unit and the students have been reading Because of Winn-Dixie. They have a classmate for a book buddy and seem to really be enjoying the story. In science we studied about food chain...

Week 12

Weekly Greetings! To start with, there are a number of important dates on the horizon that I need to share with you. The first is an assembly for the Wolverine Value of the month on this Wednesday at 8:30am. The next date is Monday, November 11, when there will be a Veteran's Day assembly at 9:00am. Then finally, there will not be any school on Friday, November 15, as there will be Parent Teacher conferences. We are finalizing the times, and aligning the sibling's times, so I should be sending home information by the end of the week. Also, the Book Fair dates were changed from last week, and will be starting on November 14 through the 23rd. It will be open during conferences, if you would like to do some shopping for the holidays. Other important information that I need to relay is that there will not be any GAP this week because the main leadership will be out of town. Additionally, the school is now only providing snacks for the students on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I am...