Week 13

Weekly Greetings!

I would like to start with the important news for the week. First, I hope the information got home about the school wide food drive taking place through November 22. If you have any non-perishable food items you could spare, please send them in with your child to school. Next, the Book Fair will start on Thursday through November 23rd. Here are the times that you can go to purchase books:

School days: 8:00-8:30am and 3:30-5:30pm
Friday Nov. 15th: 12-6pm
Saturday Nov. 23rd: 10-2pm at the Bazaar at Tok School

Lastly, I hope the note with your scheduled Parent/Teacher conference time got home to you last Monday. If not, feel free to contact me for your time. Also remember that there will not be any school on Friday due to the conferences.

As for last week, we started a novel unit and the students have been reading Because of Winn-Dixie. They have a classmate for a book buddy and seem to really be enjoying the story.
In science we studied about food chains and food webs, then each student created a food chain using pictures from magazines or drawing one.
To follow up with the lesson, Tim Lorenzini from the Tetlin Refuge visited with a number of furs to discuss examples of Alaska predators and prey. He also shared some trapping methods. The students really enjoyed the presentation.
In addition to the Monday morning Veteran's Day assembly, the class will visit their kindergarten book buddies and Wednesday. Furthermore, we should finish our novel unit with a test on Tuesday, and then watch the movie on Thursday. After watching the movie, we will compare and contrast it to the novel. There are some changes and additions to the movie.

I am looking forward to meeting with all of you on Friday. Have a fantastic week!


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