Week 16

Weekly Greetings!

The countdown has begun! There are just two weeks of school left before we break for Christmas.  Thursday of this week will be a very special day with some wonderful activities planned. Starting at 2:00pm the Kindergarten through 5th grade students will be preforming in a holiday themed concert. When the concert is over at 3:00pm, a school wide Success Night will take place until 5:30pm. Student work and holiday themed door decorations will be on display in the hallways. In addition, Cookies, Carols, and Claus will be happening from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. It looks to be an incredible afternoon and evening!  I hope to see you all there!

As for a few highlights from last week, each student has read a biography book and has been working on a book repot poster. Hopefully we can get them all done before the Success Night to be viewed.
On Thursday, Tim Lorenzinzi was in for a visit to get the students excited about the Migratory Bird Calendar contest. Students looked for a migratory waterfowl that interested them, and then they wrote a Haiku to enter in the literature contest. After they return from Christmas break, we will start an art entry.
I hope your child's second quarter progress report got home on Friday. The school no longer mails them home, and I was told to just pass them out to the students. If you didn't get it, please let me know and I can get you another copy.

Have a wonderful week!

Warm Regards!


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